Message from the Founder

Thank you so much for coming by, because I created Be You for a Purpose just for you! God has given me the heart to share His word, His love, and His goodness


to those who don’t yet know. Over the last few years God has stretched me and broken me in ways I never expected, drawing me ever so close to Him in so many ways, through many tears on many nights, to prepare me for now.

Therefore, however you choose to engage – like a post, purchase a book, read a blog, etc. – may you be encouraged to live in such a way that exemplifies who God has created you to be and be challenged to be intentional in how you think, say and do, as the awesomely unique individual God has called you to be. Each of you were carefully designed to fit into such a time as this, with your own unique color and flavor, which is often lost because of personal agendas, cultural or social standards, family, or unfortunate life events. So, from personality, to style, gifts, skills, interests, dreams, specific and those unique physical characteristic, way of thinking, motivation, talents, these things make up the person God intended a you to be. He has a purpose for your life. Live it on purpose.

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