Jamie Foxx

Life Song


I once heard Jamie Foxx in an interview say something similar, if not repeating, what Steve Maraboli stated, “God is the composer; you are the song.” Frankly, I love that quote because there is so much in there. When you think of a composer, you think of one with a vision, one with a purpose. A composer starts off with a blank page and begins to write out the song of your life: all the notes and bass lines, the beats the breaks, the sharps and the flats. however sometimes when the song is being played, the music just kind of goes off the beaten path and before you realize it, there are broken chords and wrong notes, sometimes that weren’t even supposed to be a part of the original song. Still, any great composer can take those broken chords and turn those wrong notes into a beautiful piece, into a song that can never again be duplicated. “Life is a song; love your lyrics.”

When you think about a piano, there are white keys and black keys, so let’s say that the white keys are the good days or the more pleasant experiences, and the black keys are the less favorable ones. I love how someone else put it, “as you go through your life’s journey, remember the black keys make music too.” With all that said, I want to encourage you that your life is a beautiful song, full of white notes, and like the piano, more white than black. colorStill, however many you have, let your life’s music be glorious and resonate to those that would listen to your music. God’s song for you is far greater than you can imagine. Even though, sometime we want to be the composer and begin to add notes and lines and or even delete chords that were already written. This makes me love God all the more because He takes them and make ugly beautiful. So if you feel that you have hit a sour note in your life or things are just not as graceful as you would hope, remember that God is the Master Composer and He doesn’t make mistakes and knows how each part of your story creates a wonder that the world is waiting to see and hear. Trust God with every stroke of the key, because He had a purpose when He wrote your life song; He knew who it was going to reach, whose heart it would touch, and what life it would effect.

Know the Composer, know your music, for life is a song and God is the composer. Let the music of your heart and soul impact the world.